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HawkHacks 2024 @ Laurier
Our project 'VirtuDrip' (also known as Wardrobe AI) uses Snap AR's Camera Kit to create a virtual try-on fitting room that allows users to clone their friends apparel by converting 2D images to 3D wearable model with pose-tracking. It won the 1st place award. (17 - 19 May 2024)
Hack the North 2023 @ uWaterloo
Canada's biggest hackathon, hosted annually at the University of Waterloo. Our devpost link: (15 Sep 2023 - 17 Sep 2023)
ConUHacks VII @ Concordia
We created a stock-market trading frequency-and-size visualizer that takes after stars in the night sky with p5.js, a client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences. (21 Jan 2023 - 22 Jan 2023)
uOttaHack6 @ uOttawa
Our project 'BeGreen' uses Azure AI Vision to evaluate and assign individuals with a 'sustainability score' based on their social media activity. It won the 3rd place Overall Award. (1 March 2023 - 3 March 2023)
HackTheHill 2023 @ uOttawa
RecycleAI (also known as CleanVision) is what we created for HtH 2023. We built our project in the span of 48 hours and won the Makerjam @ Makercon 2nd place award. (3 March 2023 - 5 March 2023)
Sustainable Smart City @ Taylor's
With the guidance of the Taylor Makerspace mentors and access to the Makerspace equipment, we were able to secure the 1st Place Award. (29-30 July, 5-6 August 2023)
ImagineHacks 2023 @ Taylor's
Our Tensorflow project, CleanVision incorporated a classification model to solve recycling and sustainability challenges with Machine Learning. An Arduino microcontroller was used to control the servo motors, camera, sensors, and LED indicators. The project was built in 48 hours and won the Grand Champion Award. (19 May 2023 - 21 May 2023)
MIC 2021 @ Sunway iLabs Foundry
Upon winning the competition, we were entered into Sunway iLabs's Startup Foundry program, which is a 6-month incubation program for startups. (6 Sep 2021 - 24 Sep 2021)

© 2024 James Yap

Personal React Portfolio